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National Beef Scoreboard at Dodge City Family YMCA

(Feb. 15, 2024) - National Beef-Dodge City recently sponsored new scoreboards for the Dodge City Family YMCA. The two new scoreboards will replace the old scoreboards that have been in the gym for many years and will provide much better quality for the youth and adults that compete at the YMCA.

“The gym scoreboards were so old that we had a hard time finding replacement parts and lights for them,” said Jackie Gaucin, Dodge City Family YMCA CEO. "We resorted to Christmas lights to try and keep them up and going, but recently were not even able to use them, and had to use small tabletop ones for our programs. This gift from National allowed us to get new LED lighted, multi-sport, wireless scoreboards. This is something I have been working on for a few years, so it was a great surprise for our team when National Beef sponsored this purchase."

Opie Astorga and Marilyn Trejo presented a check at the Y back in November, but it took a bit of time to get them delivered and installed. They were installed just in for JR NBA Boys basketball league – which is a great opportunity to showcase National beef’s generosity with all the foot traffic.

“We are so appreciative of National Beef for this,” commented Reagin Duesing, YMCA Sports Director. “So many kids and families will benefit from these in our programs, and they look awesome in the gym!” 

If you would like information on how to donate to the YMCA please contact CEO, Jackie Regan-Gaucin at